Cocoa Biscuits

Cocoa BiscuitsThis Cocoa biscuit recipe has been passed down through our family over the years and is quick and easy to make. Even the supermarkets make something similar now – but homemade is best because you know exactly what ingredients are included!

6oz Self Raising Flour
4oz Marge
4 oz Granulated Sugar
Approx 2 tbs Cocoa
A little milk

Cream sugar and marge together. Add sifted flour and cocoa alternately to make a soft binding consistency. Add a little more milk as necessary. Roll out into a large sausage shape with your hands. Cut into small slices and shape into flat, thick round biscuits. These can be small or large.

You can add chocolate chips, raisins or other extras if you wish prior to binding together and rolling out.

Place on floured baking tray and bake in oven 350°F, 180°C, Gas Mark 4 for 15 minutes when mixture will crack and still look unbaked but it will be. Remove from oven immediately and place on a cooling try.

Recipe from Shirley Reeves